Details of the classes for Monday   

Scroll down to see the full details of all Monday Classes  

10am - 11am Chair Yoga with Julie ('On-line' and 'In-person' options available) 

A yoga practise based on being seated on a chair (dining room/kitchen). Suitable for those with specific movement limiting conditions. 
Developed originally for a group of ladies/gentlemen with neurological conditions such as M.S. and Parkinson's. 
We have now expanded to include any condition that severely limits mobility and where it is appropriate to remain seated. On occasion we stand, but this is easily adapted if that is not possible. 
We include breathing practises and some meditation/relaxation practises. The focus is to move as much as possible in a functional way using yoga practises, but respecting the limitations of the individual and the limitations of remaining seated. 
Most of the current participants do so 'on-line' but I also have space for you to join me in-person at the studio. Please be aware that we do not have parking outside the studio and you will need to check accessiblity if you would like to come in-person.  
I suggest you call me/email me first to discuss. 
For more information contact Julie: 
Phone: 07828 132 091/Email: 
To view Julie’s Profile visit tutor profiles here 

11.30am - 12.45pm Yoga for All with Julie 

This is a general class for all ages, abilities and experience, 
including beginners. 
The class is based around the main principles of Hatha Yoga, and includes breathing practices, general posture work and relaxation to finish. There are interludes for information or dsicussion, yogic philosophy and student interaction is welcomed.  
I like to encourage 'fun' and 'freedom' within the practice,  
and promote self enquiry. 
Students are able to explore the postures and their benefits and find ways for the practise to bear relevence to what we need to do in everyday life and how we can maintain/improve our range of mobility, strength, balance, and general well being. 
The yoga I teach is an evolution of nearly 30 years of practice and study, with a broad experience of many styles and teachers. In recent years I have been and influenced by teachers who have been inspired by the teachings of Vanda Scaravelli. My classes do not focus on the ‘external’ evaluation of the postures (the look of the shape) instead the interest is that of the ‘internal’ sense of the postures (how we feel during and then after the practise). 
For more information contact Julie: 
Phone: 07828 132 091/Email: 
I also offer a 'drop-in' facility for this class. You can come just come along. Bring cash or your on-line/phone banking. No cards taken. Cost £13.50 

6pm - 7.30pm Yoga for All with Julie (on-line option available) 

This is a general class for all ages, abilities and experience, including beginners. 
The class is based around the main principles of Hatha Yoga, and includes breathing practices, general posture work and relaxation to finish. There are interludes for information or dsicussion, yogic philosophy and student interaction is welcomed. 
I like to encourage 'fun' and 'freedom' within the practice, 
and promote self enquiry. 
Students are able to explore the postures and their benefits and find ways for the practise to bear relevence to what we need to do in everyday life and how we can maintain/improve our range of mobility, strength, balance, and general well being. 
The yoga I teach is an evolution of nearly 30 years of practice and study, with a broad experience of many styles and teachers. In recent years I have been and influenced by teachers who have been inspired by the teachings of Vanda Scaravelli. My classes do not focus on the ‘external’ evaluation of the postures (the look of the shape) instead the interest is that of the ‘internal’ sense of the postures (how we feel during and then after the practise). 
For more information contact Julie: 
Phone: 07828 132 091/Email: 
I also offer a 'drop-in' facility for this class. You can come just come along. Bring cash or your on-line/phone banking. No cards taken. Cost £15.00 

7.45pm - 9.15pm Hatha Yoga with Caroline (on-line option available) 

Are you feeling stressed, tired, wrung out and finding it hard to fall asleep at night? If so, this is the class for you.  
When I ask students how they felt after the previous weeks Yoga class, the overwhelming response I get is that they slept really well. With the increases in technology all around us we are living faster and faster paced lives, which can increase our stress levels, which in turn can impact our quality of sleep.  
Yoga can help us return to balance, by teaching us techniques which help us to slow down and be present. By attending a regular Yoga class you can experience a peaceful space within, thus resulting in a less stressed body/mind, improved sleep, better health and improved posture. 
My classes are suitable for all levels of experience from beginner to the more experienced student.  
For more information and course dates contact  
Caroline Brindle: 
Phone: 07801 031 549 / Email: Website: 
To view Caroline’s Profile visit tutor profiles here 

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Styles of Yoga 

Learn more about the different styles of yoga 
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