'On-line' with Monica Voss  


Sunday November 19th 'on-line'  
'A Fall Day of Yoga' 
Use this link to book directly with Monica 
About Monica 
Monica Voss began her yoga studies in 1978 with Esther Myers, trained to teach with Esther, and has been teaching at the Studio since 1981. She came to yoga with a background in drama and movement and has degrees in English Literature and Education. 
Monica, a former Iyengar style yoga teacher, Monica studied with Vanda Scaravelli from 1986-1998, adopting Vanda’s philosophy of practicing yoga effortlessly. “If you find yourself straining,” says Monica, “you are making a mistake.” Rather, she recommends developing an “inner connection”and 'first becoming comfortable'. Moving into the poses using the rhythm of the breath and the support of the ground resonates deeply for her and she continues to draw inspiration from Vanda’s and Esther’s teaching, from the natural world, from complementary modalities, from study, and from interaction and dialogue with students and colleagues. 
Monica has studied and practised yoga for over 40 years, has been instructing since 1981 and has been training teachers since 1986. Monica Voss lives and teaches in Toronto, Canada and with three fundamental principles that sum up the essence of her hatha yoga philosophy: 1) ground yourself, 2) breathe deeply, and 3) lengthen your spine. The rest of the posture will fall into place. However, most of us don’t know how to feel our spines. We can’t see them. They have become “anonymous”, and we need to bring them back to life, says Monica. 
She is co-owner and director of Esther Myers Yoga Studio in Toronto, Canada. and in addition to teaching weekly classes in Toronto, she offers workshops, retreats and teacher training in Canada, Great Britain, Europe, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Costa Rica. 
She has been offering annual workshops in the UK since 1989. She has been coming to Yoga for Harmony since 2012 either 'on-line' or 'in-person'. 
Use this link to book directly with Monica 
If you need any more information please contact Julie on: 
07828 132 091 or email julievpotter@googlemail.com 
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