Join Tanya
Saturday June 14 @ 2:30pm - 3:30 pm
Research has shown that sound healing has several benefits, including:
increased relaxation / a more positive outlook / a more accessible meditative state
reduced or healed physical pain / heightened consciousness
reduced stress / lessened exhaustion / increased energy levels
The hypnotic, ethereal sounds from the crystal bowls, harmonics from the Himalayan bowls and rhythmic vibrations from the wind gong will relax your body, mind and spirit and may shift your brainwaves from beta (active mind) to alpha (resting mind),
and even delta (associated with deep sleep) brainwaves.
All you need to do is come along, slip off your shoes, lie down on a yoga mat,
close your eyes and breathe.
More dates coming soon:
Tanya is a qualified crystal and Himalayan bowl sound healing practitioner and now hosts monthly soundbaths
at Yoga for Harmony on Saturdays at 2.30pm

How To Book and for more information:
If you have any questions or would like to book
please contact Tanya
Parking - Please be aware that there are no
parking facilities outside the studio